Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 lol on girls!! Kinda like when i discovered boys. Or they discovered me
I'm ok w all your info, forewarned is forearmed  looks like i may be going alone...sigh. Hubby not too interested so i hope i dont have any mech issues.
 yes-i am hoping to film but i need to figure out the case i need for my iphone...danegrey is local and he uses his phone for autocross. Not sure it is suitable for this but we'll see
I'm sorry your husband is backing out. It makes the drive to and fro longer. You will not have any mech issues. It's a Datsun for gods sake.
David A Negrey uses a
Optrix XD Camera case
I am sure it is suitable. Ask to make sure.
That did look like fun. I may start auto crossing myself. I did it once. I loved it. It is all the standing around I can't tolerate.