Pics of rims when were on the vehicle.
This is when I had a problem with steering wheel lock!!
I guess Nissan called it recall finally.
Some details (keep in mind I just took it out of vehicle and did not wash them at all)
These red stripes can be easily fixed with whatever color you like to replace with.
It usually costs $40-50 from wheel shop and once's it's fixed you don't notice anything at all but look new.
I know b/c I tried it.
Other than cosmetic, the wheel has NO PROBLEM.
I had 20mm spacer on them and it sat flush.
These are extra front tires set (re-50) that I am including with 90% thread.
When it was on the vehicle (you cannot see any scratches)
I really needed to put it back to stock but this is def. the BEST exhaust!
Details(sorry, just took it out of car and haven't had a chance to clean them):
And the Swift springs,