Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
Wish I could change the thread title. It's slightly off topic, but this is the actual thread I should have started...  This turned out to be an awesome thread. Learning a lot here. I may slowly and eventually evolve to this level of off-roading???
Here is a link to some good examples of being stuck with the 4x4 it illustrates why you really need a beater for it,
The best way to get your truck unstuck out of mud? - Page 2 - Tacoma World Forums
Did most of my off roading during the late 70's and early 80's , we were stuck with only Kodak 110's and 35mm cameras, and on $120-$150 pay check back then you didn't waste much money on pictures, 10 pics with film and developing ran easily $20 back then. Pics were for holidays and special parties and get togethers, not like it is today.