Originally Posted by alcheng
Mr.kenchan, thanks for the advice
I will consider doing the rocker-panel and the a-pillars myself 
mr.alcheng- some diy info to read while you wait for product to arrive.
Installation 3M Clear Bra Paint Protection Tampa, FL
this store, i think (but best to check), only sells xpel. but from one of the xpel sponcers of this site, i think he mentioned that the self-heal ones end with a part number with -U.
so if you're into that stuff, you can try ordering from autopaintguard.
one thing to note though, the last xpel i did on my Z's rockers yellowed within 2yrs. it couldve been old stock, not sure. the xpel i did on a dark blue car in the past had no visible yellowing even after 6yrs.