Originally Posted by ZMan8
 I'm waiting for some kind of rain. the area I live in has been over salted in March when we had barely any snow. Because of that, the salt is still everywhere. Drive just 10 minutes away and those areas are mostly salt free 
yah, we had some rain last saturday so i thought it might be enough, but it was scattered so some of the areas didn't get a drop... i drove over it and was pita to clean up.
i want to use up the old gas in my G and Z. the G's last fill was halloween... i did use stabil this time though. for the Z no stabil and last fill was thanksgiving.
Originally Posted by Nismo89
pretty dang good. although it is (again) back to being chilly outside .
sounds good!

yah, kinda chilly in racoonville too today.
i will crackup if my contact lenses i ordered online arrive all frozen.