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Old 04-02-2013, 12:33 AM   #16 (permalink)
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cgust is on a distinguished road

Hyunsoo, some great shots throughout. Boost_Lee had good critiques on your first batch. Second batch, first shot. I wonder how it would look with the left side of the street cropped off (just a thought). Maybe no ppl inside the car next time as well . The even lighting on the car in the last shot makes it a winner though. Nice loose composition and an interesting but not distracting background as well. Keep up the good work!

Huck, also got some nice ones. Just need to watch your color balance. First shot, your Z looks pink. Also, maybe its just me, but I'd stay away from poles. In your last shot it looks like the car has a helluva antenna Simple things like that can go a long way to having a clean photo with no competing elements.
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