Originally Posted by Pintsize725
$100 for the lip/fangs/bpillars was hard to beat. Also, the owner and I talked it out and he seemed cool about the whole thing.
He was cool with it before or after you filed a claim against the shop? As soon as you file a claim, I would stay away from the shop. I'm also wondering if by shopping around for the absolute lowest price, maybe you are getting what you pay for

Call Colvin Automotive and ask who they use to wrap if they don't do it themselves. You might have paid more in the beginning, but I guarantee you wouldn't have any problems after it was done. If you have any qualms about the quality of the workmanship they just fix it, no questions asked. Their reputation is worth way more than a couple of hours of lost labor and/or materials.
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Plastidip doesn't have that satin look to complement the pearl. I know, I know, I'm being picky as fuck.
Your car; you get to be as picky as you want