Originally Posted by GaleForce
I use a diluted ONR (Optimum No Rinse) mixture for clay lube. You can also use clay lube. I have pretty much stopped using clay in favour of an Auto Scrub. You can get an Auto Scrub in pad form (for use with a DA), towel form, and even wash mitt. They are quicker and easier to use with the same results as clay. They last longer than clay making them cheaper in the long run.
Be careful using clay or products that do the same job as clay on your car, the paint is soft and black will show marring easily.

TY Gale

i too will be looking into that
Originally Posted by DLSTR
The consistent wisdom is that or quick detailer. The kit I used had clay and quick detailer as the lubricant. Was no problem at all. The results were excellent. I did watch a good video from one of the major detailing companies on how to use the clay and did as instructed. Very very easy and fun to feel the paint so smooth!

yea-i was kinda looking forward to that until mr. Gale "emlightened" us
Originally Posted by happytheman

thank YOU Happy for the link. I'm glad i hadn't submitted my order.
Originally Posted by kenchan
btw, how many of you clean the plastic sills on the bottom? i clean the bottom of the rear splash guard but hadn't been cleaning the bottom of the front splash guards and side sill....well, until today. my paper towel was pitch black with horse and tafffyapple crap. yikes.. 

i'm shocked!! You cwazy wabbit!!! I resemble LunaZ when washing the Z...not pretty

focused and hot, not in a pretty way either
Originally Posted by LunaZ
Raining as expected. Z is tucked under her cover and my early spring weed-and-feed treatment is soaking into the ground.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Originally Posted by DLSTR
Roger that. Will be looking this up tonight before sleep time! Thanks for the tip for both BlackCherry and I 

and thanks too DLSTR for your guidance...
Originally Posted by kenchan
i need to start doing that this season.  my exhaust and rear splash guard and front end (anything a wabbit can see from his angle) is clean...but slacked on the side since even a wabbit can't see anything unless he was under the car.

ou wasscally wabbit
Originally Posted by LunaZ
My neighbours think it's quite comical.
I throw on board shorts and prepare to get wet and dirty when I wash my car. It's a very not sexy bikini car wash 

yupp-me too

thank gawd nobody sees me when i wash mine at home!
Originally Posted by alcheng
I will suggest McGuiar's Gold Class™ Carnauba Plus Liquid Wax.
I've tried their Clay bar... not bad but not impressed...
Mr.kenchan will suggest Griot's for sure...
BTW, who is this 15 yrs old?
Griots maybe but i am def looking into mr. Gales suggestion first

The 15 year old is hubbys nephew from indy

he goes home tomorrow
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Happy Easter Mr. AlCheng 
I remember you Mr.Kenchan  . Hope you're able to enjoy some Spring Eggs with your kids today. 

spring eggs!!!
Day is about to get better

hubby incoming and i can hand over the 15 year old entertainer duties