Originally Posted by darli328
I hate to sound like an a$$ but I'm honestly worried that when I post something someone is going to say use the search button. You know what's really funny when you search a lot of things on this forum. The more recent threads on a subject don't have any real info and just basically say you're an idiot for not searching first. Which basically makes the search feature useless because it's filled with threads that all say use the search button (without any references/links). You can't expect someone to search back 4 years to the very first thread on whatever subject that hasn't been posted on in over 2 years. So, that's kind of where I'm coming from when I say sorry for the stupid question. I honestly tried searching with no luck, it happens and I think we all need to remember that at times.
You're fine, I like your threads a lot actually!
BTW, for the search, do this but change "gtr start button" to whatever you want:
Let me google that for you
Originally Posted by darli328
Can you confirm if the engine part lights up at all and if it does what color is it? I haven't installed my button yet but it looks like the word engine is supposed to light up. All the videos I searched on youtube show it lighting up, but half of them are in the different colors so I know somethings modified somewhere.
Originally Posted by isayimandrew
mine doesnt light up. And I modded mine to red and its still not lit.
DEFINITELY doesn't light up
Originally Posted by NitrousZ34
Some people just don't have anything better to do than to talk shiiiit. Everyone asks questions for one reason, because they obviously don't know the answer. PM me if you want help or advice
^F this guy, I'm up later, well, 24/7, LOL
Shoot me a text anytime about ANYTHING (hopefully 370Z related?) (31O)eight nine three-42O7
(and don't worry, you won't be the first, second, or last person who texts me random questions)