Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N
This is ridiculous. Unless this is your first car and you're not accustomed to the routine of putting the car in park there's no excuse for this lack of concern when you're driving a car. This is the type of thing that's going to cause an accident when the car gets away from you while you're not in it.
You can't seriously blame the push button. Sure ergonomic specialists should have put some kind of safety feature to keep the car on while in gear (unless the emergency shutdown procedure was activated). But in a regular turn key car you put the car in park BEFORE shutting the car off; your muscle memory shouldn't be affected by the push button until the point where you reach to turn the key and notice it's not there. If what you've been doing all along is try to turn the key to shut the car down, the key won't turn, THEN you realize you're still in gear then you've been bad all along and really shouldn't be on public roads with others.
Once or twice I could understand as a fluke occurence. **** happens. But if **** is happening to you all the time then you may need to reevaluate whether or not you're a danger to yourself and others.
Really? Where did the OP blamed the push button for anything, amazing what a little question can do to people....