Originally Posted by Pintsize725
They could have used a different one.

still pretty darned great!!
Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
We are, but I would rather be working then sitting listening to other trades b!tch about issues that are easily fixable 

AMEN! Omg!
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
 We still <3 you!
Originally Posted by kenchan
24 more paychecks and i am unemployed! 

i guess if you are happy who am I to whine. Eh?!
Originally Posted by XiP
wait... how is that a good thing? i thought being unemployed is a bad thing 

depends I guess...i have never been off for an extended amount of time (except for maternity)...
Originally Posted by alcheng
Mr.kenchan... do you get your pay hourly…??


hey guy!! Looking and drooling over a Fast Intentions exhaust again. Yea, same one. May be ready
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
Good afternoon...
here goes...
Alchenga_troll, cherries, pint, gale, onzedge, lunaz, kenchan, lmbmike, brantley, zman, Nismo, jarblue... Im pretty sure thats it!

hi guy!!! Late repping today but I'll get to it soon! Promise!
Originally Posted by onzedge
I am on a little break -- I have been working at the Federal Ammunition plant in MN the past couple of days. Amazing the number of cartridges here -- awe-inspiring.

very cool Onze! How come the .223s are so hard to find?!
Originally Posted by ZMan8

hi Zman. Did you get your Z out yet?! Thinking seriously about driving mine to work in the a.m.. Low of 30 when i leave. Thoughts?
Originally Posted by Huck
Ok guys, I need your opinion. should I buy tires for the wheels that I have and I like? Or should I buy the wheels (and tires) that I'm in love with and continue to try and sell the first set of wheels, as well as my stockers?
Also, on a completely unrelated note, if something is stolen off of my car and I have comprehensive insurance for custom parts, would that claim drive up my 6 month premium? I read that comp claims don't affect your premium, only collision claims do.
Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new-fangled science stuff

hi Huck

i don't think comprehensive causes rates to go up. You better check though and make sure there isn't some fine print that talks about expensive add on parts. Insurance is tricky
Originally Posted by Isamu
get the wheels you love, and you should be safe on the premium

hi Mu! How soon after you get to guam will you be back online?! Taking the ipad mini?
Originally Posted by Nismo89
well busy day of fixing the boat is done and now? Pancakes and sausage for dinner

hi buddy! Glad you had a good day!
My weekend is going to be a bit

x10. My mini is going to her cousins in Indy and the older MALE (15) is coming here for the weekend. Mr. BC working sat AND sunday. Yeah

thats what i said too. Omg.

what do i do w a 15 year old boy?! Sigh.