Originally Posted by Blake@F.I. Inc.
If you drive with a light foot, you could actually see an increase. I remember seeing a guy on here who was getting 30+ on the HWY at 70-75. Its all gonna depend on how you drive, obviously with the larger injectors and fuel pump, if you are heavy on the throttle you will see a decrease. However like I said above if your driving patterns do not change, you will get an improvement because it takes less input of the throttle to achieve the same thing.. Hope this helps.
I have a customer who took a trip from Charlotte to Dallas and averaged around 34.5mpg verified by actual fuel consumption, not the MPG gauge on the car. The MPG gauge on the car said 40+

. This was the 2012 Nismo we did with the GReddy TT kit and DW 850cc injectors. He had a real light foot he said. His intention was to get as good of gas milage as possible. On the way back it some how dropped to 23mpg LOL (I think he must have started to have a little fun on the ride back).
Alex Goodwin