Originally Posted by speedfreek
It was marked up to be repaired. They repaired all the other spots marked in the picture correct? It seems they messed the clear up on this particular spot. I would see if there are any issues with all the other spots they marked as well. Last time I had a car at a dealer's body shop they ended up settling with me before taking it to court. You never want to have to go throug with it but sometimes show of force of how far you are willing to take it is necessary before they will budge. Hopefully your insurance can help with the situation and get it taken care of by them just fixing what they were supposed to have already done.
Well, I called my insurance twice last week who sent my info to their repair network center. I called the actual agent I'm supposed to be dealing with yesterday and got voicemail. I have not heard anything back in the last 3 weeks. My next step is to call the manager of the body shop and speak to him about it.