Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
We'll see mr ken. I'm not sure I REALLY need a DD yet, but the Scion seems like a great deal. I checked the Car Fax and the owner religiously had the car serviced at the dealer.
it's aways good to have a dd imho, mr.gurney. especially if youre going to a nice restaurant that has a small parking lot and where their extra parking section is uphill and dirt...
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
I'm at a really nice restaurant that has a small parking lot. This is their extra parking section. It was uphill too. Great for the Z. 

ms. pint your car's looking good.

not sure about that pavement/dirt though.. the last fit i had (was a 08) lowered on coilovers didnt do very well in lawn parking at the local barn. yah, that's right, i parked at a barn... on grass field with cows...and car got stuck.

well, not really. but the front diffuser on the car didn't like it one bit. but it was my dd, so i didn't care.