Sooo I started (finally) wiring the car and cleaning it all up but am still unsure about where to mount both the traction control monitor and the boost controller. I am thinking these two spots;

This you can see through the steering wheel when driving and can easily change it, I currently have the cables ran to here. I will have to get some time behind the wheel to see if it really works. It has to be accessible to activate launch control, I was thinking about sticking it down by the shifter but there is nowhere where it would look like it was meant to be there. We'll see, it might end up down there yet depending on how this works out.
As for the boost controller,
I am thinking about sticking it right beside the gauges, its easy to see and can easily be reached. The only issue could be securing it well enough so that when you touch the buttons it doesn't brake loose. Again very easy to relocate if its not working out.
Anyone have any better ideas of where you would put these? I seen the traction control in the center console and glove box, but it would be too awkward I think to turn on launch control.
Also my tires showed up last night. Tirerack FTW even up here in Canada. They ship UPS but take care of all the duty and taxes and everything on their end. So no bills or anything when they show up. Also they were by far the cheapest I could find.