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Old 10-05-2009, 02:16 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by nicknick View Post
What is it with all these people who can't handle a bit of decibels. The Z is a sports car not a bloody Lincoln. When you drive a sports car you want to feel it. I am sure a Ferrari or lambo etc are not Lexus like either. you are also paying for the raw, non clinical feel of the Z. Why would you want to ber driving a sports car that sounds and feels like a Camry, apparently there are lot of girly men here.
Dear NickNick,

Have you heard the engine in the Nissan?

Driving your Mazda too many times must have caused your ears to malfunction. They make some of the most uninspiring engines ever to grace the earth, their soundtrack is between irritating and just intrusive. Maybe you should use the raw Z as your vibrator, seeing as you are so stuck up and rude toward opinion other than yours.
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