Originally Posted by travisjb
I almost pulled the trigger on a used Z06 from the Bondurant school. They wanted $12K after 1 year of track abuse.
That could be an awesome deal or a crappy deal haha. The thing I don't like about the Z06 is the aluminum frame. Makes it a royal pain in the *** to do a roll cage since you can't weld the steel cage to the aluminum frame. You have to sleeve it through the frame, cap it on both sides, bolt on any gusseting, etc. It can be done by the right cage builder, but it wont be cheap. Plus you can make plenty of NA power with the LS2/LS3 anyway and you can buy Z06 or ZR1 front/rear fenders that bolt right on for extra tire clearance. The only big advantage to the Z06 is that it already comes with a halfway decent dry sump system. Long story short, for the price difference you normally get between the regular C6 and the Z06 you can probably build a better standard model for the same amount of money as buying the stock Z06.