Originally Posted by elperuano
That is what I was thinki. S&R did the tune and perhaps thats the problem. As u can tell there's plenty of people pushing 500. This motor is stout and should hold much longer than these 2 kits did.
Just trying to make the community aware.
There's too many boosted cars out there to attribute to "bad" gas although it could be its highly unlikely.
Either tune/kit something might be off. Not trying to put S&R down jus tryin to maybe get u to look over something again.
Yeah I am thinking it is the tune as well. Only reason I brought up gas is...atleast this is the case around me the E85 blends change depending on the time of year. So when your running a tight tune it can cause issues. I agree though there is certainly an odd trend developing around this kit. Hopefully VSR can comment soon.