Originally Posted by Isamu
 Sup Cheng? how are you this tuesday!
I am doing good, snowing and ice-cold in Toronto, couldn't be
with the weather.....

Originally Posted by kenchan
hi mr. mu. im doing alright  sounds like you're doing pretty good today.  congrats on the dd. $600 for a car is not a bad deal at all!
ummm... does it run?
sounds good, mr.alcheng. which chassis are you looking at right now? 
Mr.kenchan.... among all the brands I know and some brands which are
new to me, I had 2 particular chassis in my mind..
One was the
X Ray T4
And the other one is
VBC Wildfire
Both are very good chassis, I used to have the T1 from X-ray and was very happy with it.
The T4 just came out last year and it's extremely high quality built and design, one of the top chassis on the market at the moment.
However, one drawback of their design is the motor mount, they try to lower the CG of the chassis so much that the way it mounts the motor makes the motor itself shifts very easy during an impact, which this problem even happens in professional level driving.
On the other hand, the VBC Wildfire, has a very nice suspension geometry design, and the chassis is being known for easy to setup and drive. PLUS, it is design by my old-time friend....

Mr.kenchan I believe you should know which chassis I've chosen...