Originally Posted by Pintsize725
 Glad to hear she's OK!

I swear, I thought it was a pedestrian until I look in my rear view mirror and saw the girl's face. She was incredibly apologetic and gushing over the car. We were both relieved when I couldn't find any damage, and she happily gave me all of her insurance information and phone number just in case. It was irritating that she hit me cause she was on the phone, but at least she was accepting of fault and just wanted to make it right.
Originally Posted by Huck
I learned how to do it on a $24 Meguair's kit that I got from Autozone. I did it on my MIL's Honda Civic and had great results, they looked brand new. But the problem is that when you're done you haven't really done a complete job. They include a 1200 grit and 1500 grit sanding pad, and then some wax and a "plastic protectant" for you to apply. What you need to do is get off ALL of the old UV factory clear coat that's corroding, that means going down to the actual plastic lens. You can't really do this with a 1200 grit sanding pad. You have to start with either 320 or 500 (on really bad ones I've had to use 180 before) then gradually move up in grit. I usually use 320, 500, 800, 1200, 1500, and then polish it with a 3000. By then it looks brand new, but you're not done. You have to apply a QUALITY UV clear coat, not just some wax and some off the shelf protectant. Maybe if you were to apply that stuff every single week for the rest of your life it might look ok for a while, but sooner or later it will come back. Trust me, I've been doing this for a while now and half of my customers are people that tried to use the off the shelf kits only to have it come back in 4 months. I'm probably gonna do a tutorial and take video soon then post it in the DIY. Actually I think I have a DIY posted on it, I can just add video.
Originally Posted by kenchan
woaah, mr.jar -  glad to hear no damage! 
IKR... thank you though

I was also relieved when my wife arrived home, and she could not see any damage at all.
I have an audio recording of our conversation after the incident (habit for me now - and legal in TX), but I can't believe I didn't take any photos

Obviously, I would have if there had been damage.