Originally Posted by JungleZ
I'm really pissed i got pearl white, not only is the paint a joke for pearl white the pearl is barely pearl. Premium pearl white Honda prelude now that's pearl white
haha, well it isnt too bad as far as the pearl goes, but i do agree that the paint sucks. my bumper looks like chocolate chip ice-cream. dam you nissan
Originally Posted by Z-Girl 12
Yep, black is ridiculously sick clean. A headache to keep clean but i get him detailed once a week, and he usually stays clean for a week. So not bad at all, lowered and shiny is just drool city! No regrets!
haha, well worth it though!
Originally Posted by kenchan
plasti-dip it

lmao.... i shall keep that in mind if my love for black paint gets the best of me
Originally Posted by Kayzee
I regret my black ridiculously. I am seriously half in tears everytime a white Z passes me. It just looks so freakin beautiful, every curve is visible, instead of a black blob. Particularly how well black wheels and black roof and black wing can look on a white car... God.
I would trade my black for a white anyday.
EDIT: to add to the misery, there is a white Z in my neighborhood modded EXACTLY the way i would have gone about modding a white car.
black blob !?

very true, you really can see every detail, and in the sun, the semi flat look of the pearl really offsets the parts shaded from direct sun giving it a cool mixture of gloss and some-what flat, look. but thats also what i love about black. everything flows so smoothly.. you cant really see much but the reflection of certain areas.