nice picts mr.gurney!
for me, i ended up working on my G this pm. HU wasn't playing dvd's for some reason so replaced the switch that bypass the e-brake. took a while as i had some hiccups like the pcb for the factory security system LED literally snapped in half while i was taking the trim and unplugging it.. ive NEVER had this happen to me before...??

i had to super glue the board together and put jumper wires.

wtf~ also my crimper wasn't behaving well so had a hell of a time crimping wires back together in very tight place.
wired up a new toggle switch inside the cubby. the 8mm nut was a royal pita to thread onto the switch even though i though it was near the top of the cubby cup. my ratcheting combi wrench helped quite a bit, but all of the wrenches expect for my 8mm was non-flex head so i was like
ordered a new 8mm flex head combination ratcheting wrench today.
tested, and everything works again.