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Old 03-17-2013, 06:59 PM   #225 (permalink)
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Drives: GM Nismo/68 454 Cam
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68cam454 is on a distinguished road

Got my Berk CBE to go with my Berk HFC's from FBNissan last Wednesday and installed it yesterday.

I just backed the Z onto my race ramps and went for it. I didn't jack the front up at all and access was better than I expected. It took a few hours with plenty of breaks.

Very nice quality materials and welds and the install was a piece of cake......except....the left (drivers side) tip hung down about 3/8" lower than the right and it also stuck out 1/2" more than the right. I loosened everything up and jacked up the left side of the muffler slightly and tightened everything down again. The tips are now at the exact same height which I'm very happy about but the left side still protrudes 1/2" further than the right.

I don't see a way to correct this since it's set by the length of the pipework so I will be calling Berk in the morning to see if they have any ideas.

BTW...This exhaust paired up with the Berk HFC's sounds absolutely amazing. I was worried about it being too loud during cold start and pissing of my neighbors (they already hate my big block 68 camaro with dual 3") but its not that loud at all until you get on it. This is exactly what I was looking for and it should have had this tone from the factory.
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