Originally Posted by avantgti7
To Fuct:
Each time I checked the oil in the pictures below, I had just come home from work which is a 20-25 mile highway commute averaging 70mph+. I waited 30 minutes and then checked the oil which explains why the temperature was under 180. I suppose if I waited 10 minutes, the temperature would be closer to 180 but there would probably be even less oil on the dipstick.
To oldguy:
I noticed oil consumption with this car immediately after doing the first oil change. I agree that the oil consumption became worse between changing intervals if my driving style was more aggressive. However, it is a sports car and I bought it with the intention of driving it hard at least occasionally. It just doesn't make sense to pay this much for a car and then to be carrying around quarts of oil in my trunk.
Update as of this morning on 03/15/2013:
I failed the oil consumption test. The dealer ordered a short block motor which will come next Tuesday. The repair will take two days and they are going to give me a rental car. They gave me back the car and told me to continue driving it until then. They didn't top off the oil because when they drain the oil from the old engine, they want to get an exact measurement.
I think this is probably one of the few times in my life that I am happy to fail a test. 
You're absolutely right. My point is that my car is closer to what you're entitled to expect as the owner of an expensive car, whose manufacturer should anticipate is being driven for sport. You are perfectly entitled to a complete remedy.