Originally Posted by eastwest2300
 they're mad because you took their profit, I dont know why they get mad, they still make money off the transfer and doing the actual paperwork. Its such a rip off.
For every shop trying to "fight the good fight" and protest these websites (that they use themselves), there's probably 50 others that give no f-cks and just do the FFL.
Honestly, I feel less sympathy now that I think about it, because these other places make cash off of selling other things, like a generic sportsman shop or whatever. Not just a 100% dedicated gun shop. Their income source is so specific, it's like opening a Brick and Mortar store selling only televisions and TV accessories, in a world where you can find great deals online if you have a good eye. So why should I feel bad for them?
Of course, the answer is that I don't.