Originally Posted by JoeyD
The sport package doesn't have exactly what I want. I want to pick my wheels and tires as there is a ton of performance gain to be made from the proper selection. It's a mute point anyway as the dealers around here didn't have a sport package.
you do get forged rims with the sport package, but i see what your saying.
increasing a tire by 2-4cm will not increase your contact patch by a substantial amount for you to really notice much of a difference. I am sure you can find 245 rears with a higher coefficient of friction, and obtain what you want. Plus at higher speeds you tend to want thinner tires, as the drag created by the larger contact patch requires more work to be overcome.
as far as a ton of performance gains, that is a bit to much. can you improve some yes, substantially NO. Remember as an engineer when you design a car with a tire in mind it is designed to be optimal at this tire, most race cars have to re design they suspension geometry and settings for different tires.