Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise
Nice juke man. I like them a lot.
Also I'm quite jelly of you guys and your incomes. :/ but then I remember you all have been working much longer than me haha. If I wasn't forced to move out two years ago due to unforseen circumstances I wouldve had gtr and it'd be almost paid off. But that's life I suppose.Lol
Never compare your own financial situation to someone else's. You have no idea what type of debt those people could be in or what kind of money they were born into. Be happy with what you have, and be happy for others having what they have. Life is much more enjoyable this way.
Also, the cost of living in PA is a lot cheaper than it is in MD. So someone making 50K in PA could be banking it and someone making 50K in MD could be totally slumming it. Everything is relative.