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Old 03-11-2013, 11:16 AM   #46 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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My main issue with the Camaro (and most American cars, to be honest), is that the seats are not made for me. Hell, the entire car is not made for me.

I'm a short, skinny guy, and the Camaro just feels like it isn't made for someone of that size at all. The seats are huge, the steering wheel is a giant brick of plastic, everything feels oversized -- it's just... eugh.

I like how it sounds. The power is cool. The 1LE package is awesome.

But the car itself is just... I don't know. Poorly designed, I guess? They certainly sacrificed a lot just for the sake of aesthetics, and that shows if you don't fit perfectly into the Camaro.
nuTinmuch! -- Platinum Graphite 370Z -- Check out my Gallery thread here!
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