Well, sleep made her about a million times better
Originally Posted by Fishey
So, First thing is first.
1. Do not give her blow that is for a hang-over not her current condition.
2. If she has long hair put it up.
3. If you want her to get better fast you need an IV but I am sure you don't have one so on 4.
4. Hydration is key so get distilled water into her system. Distilled water is pure and can absorb far more then regular water helping remove toxins.
5. Advil 2 pills
6. Eat Bacon, Bingeing on alcohol depletes neurotransmitters too, but bacon contains a high level of aminos which tops these up, giving you a clearer head
7. Don't know if it will help in a very short time frame but certainly will not hurt.
I'm sorry, having worked in a lab... Having been raised in a pharmaceutical lab, distilled water HUGE NO NO...
Distilled water dehydrates you... It's so "pure" that is literally sucks the electrolytes out of you
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Stomach pump. Then be more responsible. My niece lost her life because her boyfriend talked her into doing/trying some drugs. Don't be that guy.
Hey, I don't do drugs, hell, I haven't tried nor will I ever even smoke weed... And honestly, I've seen this girl drink, she out drinks me (waitress at a bar) even though I gave her the baby shots on each pour