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Old 01-20-2009, 09:29 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Location: Vine Grove, KY
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rbratton is on a distinguished road

XPEL is a company out of San Antonio that makes patterns and their own paint protection film. They used to market their patterns and use 3M film, but a few years ago they improved on 3Ms film and started making there own film. Both films are clear coated and look very nice, but the XPEL film has less orange peel texture to it and seems to install easier with less defects. My installer told me that the XPEL film has a adhesive that is more forgiving which results in less mistakes and blemishes during the install. I've had XPEL film on my last two cars and I think it looks a lot better. I've also had Venture Shield film and the XPEL film just seems to look the best.

I'll take some more pictures of my car tonight, but I noticed red car above didn't have the film wrapped around the edges on his hood. Installers that use XPEL patterns have the option to do that so be sure and ask them when you schedule your install.
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