so my silicone cap offs finally came in last week and since my dad is off island i got some free time on my hands... i did a throttle body coolant delete mod... basically it warms up your throttle body so it dont freeze shut during winter.... it never gets cold on guam and i really would like to eliminate as much useless crap there is in our engine bay so this was one of them
the demon hose between the firewall and block wasnt as horrible as i would have imagined..... it did however take me about 30 mins to tighten the stupid hose clamp down there.... and my hand was cramping from the akward position i had to be in to tighten it... you absolutely cannot see wth your tightening but other than that everything is easy as pie.... i opted for silicon caps over rubber ones because they last longer

and silicone is the way to go

if anyone is interested i can post a link where i got it....
here is the link to WSTAR DIY
DIY: TB Coolant Delete