Originally Posted by /Angelo350Z/
It's a difficult decision. I've been paying €80 a month in storage fees since Oct '11 and will continue to do so for another 9 years if I keep the car, unless I get stationed back in Europe.
On the other hand, it's a car with under 70K miles that I've spent over €5K just for the paint and numerous OEM seals and body pieces just to get it back to original. Factor in the purchase and shipping price, all of a sudden keeping the Z doesn't seem like a bad idea.
It was a foolish move dropping that much on it, specially since it doesn't have any real collector value. Euro prices for parts and labor are really off the chart, you should have sent the car to Poland for repair or restoration they are the China of Europe for cheap quality work.
Your basic decision is simple keep it and keep paying a fortune for it or abandon the money pit and cut your losses or have the car shipped to where you intent to live permamently and have a friend or relative store it for you.