Originally Posted by KaienZ34
That sucks brotha, mine isn't broke but i am. 
dont worry brotha im running on my reserves thanks to the damn clutch issue....

still not enough flow to get her running yet..... i crossing my fingers on this side job im doing this saturday hopefully i make enough so i can begin fixing my z..... in other news.... lookie what i finally got my hands on!!!! a password jdm V2 with a red anodized ring and 6speed engraved!!!! woooot wooo thanks to cherisicat for the knob... awesome seller and great packing btw.... i know these knobs are pretty "rare" i know you can get them in gray dark gray and black but not red

thats why i was stoked to snatch this knob when the time came by luckily.... you guys know how much i kill for red mods lol
the third and last pic is a pic of the 3 knobs i have.... i regret selling my nismo shift knob.... i miss it.... the round one is a titanium shift knob from fortune auto

i worked on some guys rim and he didnt have enough to pay me we made a deal and i agreed to get the knob

reminds me of an arc but brighter

ill put it on when i feel like it or when i finally get the rear titanium brace for my z.... i still want a hebi bebi knob....just for the hell of it... and id like to build a shift knob holder of some sort for the cubby hole... ( i have like 4 pending projects id like to do but im always so busy it sucks

) i tend to get really bored with my shift knobs and ive realized ill just keep a collection so when im tired of it ill just switch it to another one i wanna use

i know i know im retarded and silly.....