Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
Or better yet try being the bigger man, just move the F%ck over if some one wants by you that bad just move it's easy. HOV lane or not. There is no need for stupidity and games on the road. These are some of the things that gives North America a bad name for having the worst drivers in the world. The left lane is a passing lane not to be cruising in or coasting what so ever, after you pass move the F over and get back to the middle and to have HOV lanes is stupid people will use them regardless because this is america and everyone thinks they are privileged for some reason
sorry, but thats just idiotic the advice you just gave...i have been on the highway more than enough times when people come up behind and ride your bumper like that and 99 percent of the time when the person they are trying to get to move does so, they swing wildly into the right lane to try and pass and end up almost hitting the person that is moving for them. besides that he was already speeding to begin with going 10mph over the speed limit, might as well be telling people that it ok to speed while you're at it