Originally Posted by Haboob
True, and East coast cities are more compact. You can walk to most everything you need, if not take the tube.
Here in Phoenix (and I'm sure in Texas too) everything is so spread out. It would take me an hour or two just to get to anywhere other than a gas station on foot, and we have no trains... at least that come to my side of town.
Still, I'm against electric and unfun (new word) cars! 
Originally Posted by Jordo!
Once they get the charging/capacity situation sorted (not a trivial problem...) electric cars will be fantastic.
Peak torque available at 1 RPM? Yes please.
While instant torque would be awesome, electric technology just isn't made for the US in it's current form unless you're in one of the largest of cities. IMHO The only way electric vehicles would ever be viable outside of the big cities is if the range was 2-300 mi. and a full charge could be had in 1 hr or less.