I owned an '07 350Z Roadster that was a garage queen, only driving it at times on the weekends, and never between November and March (live in CT) and never in inclement weather, whether or not it was snow or rain. It was a great car and in immaculate condition. I owned a dd for my hour long commute (one way) to work m-f. After a couple of years, I could not justify paying for something I wasn't using and decided to trade the Z in along with selling my dd and bought what I thought was the solution, a MazdaSpeed 3. I missed my Z so much, that only after a few short months, I traded the MS3 in for the '09 370Z I have now. I am driving the piss out of this Z and loving every minute. It's my only car and it's used for my commute and enjoyment. Except for a few days when I couldn't drive it because of snow, I drive it everywhere. I even have performance tires on it. I will never again garage a car to save up for weekend trips. Life's too short....drive it and enjoy it, that's what you bought it for.