Originally Posted by alcheng
The sales person must have product knowledge regardless, because they have to know what are they selling.
That's the minimum requirement. ...

If you don't know your product, you're not a salesman. All you're doing is moving boxes out the door. A real salesperson finds out what the customer wants/needs and helps the customer pick the best product to meet those wants/needs. It's a win-win situation - you get the car you want and the salesman gets a paycheck. How can the saleswoman do her job properly, if she doesn't know the product?
That said, I don't expect the salesperson to know every detail about every car in the line up. If he can't quote engine torque figures off the top of his head, doesn't know where the insolation sensor is located, if a particular wheel is an option for this model, &c, I'm OK with that ... as long as he will say so, make an effort to get the right answer, and not try to blow smoke up my butt.