Salesmen can make good money, unfortunately in most cases, it does not take knowledge to sell a car. It does take someone personable, aggressive and willing to F@ck everyone else to make the deal. Whether it be the customer or his coworkers. They are like sharks. I used to sell cars a while back, I sucked. I was too nice, knew a lot, but if they didn't want to buy the damn car today, why the hell should I be forced to take them to see my manager? Age didn't help either. Most were put off because I was 22-23 at the time, they thought I was too young and couldn't have possible known about cars, safety, etc... I had a partner I would have to call over and soften them up, send them back to me so I can build rapport with them. I could never promise anything other than sticker before getting them to the table. When there, the managers refused to give me any information besides what numbers they threw at me and some coaching. A lot of customers just got up and left when they saw us start at sticker. Some managers work differently, but it was a PITA sometimes. Other times I would be fine, get them to the table and then the Manager would grab a veteran salesman to close the deal forcing me to cut my profit in half. Often times I only made $50, on average, maybe a few hundred. At the most, I think I banked $800. Some guys made over $1,000 on single deals. Knowing what I know now and working in that business, I don't want to ream the salesman through the coals, but I can read a con artist and a liar. When I finally bought mine, the guy knew I knew more than he did, the only thing he had to truly work were the numbers. He sold my Wife her Maxima, and me my Z.
Old Car:GTM TSC'd 550whp / 410lbft tq @ 11.88PSI
New Car: Under Construction
