Yeah, really good money, but I live worse than a bird in a cage. I share a small section of tent with my coworker that's about an 8x8ft space. Everything I need is less than 100 meters. Restrooms are porta johns, showers are in a tent, Georgians (Country) like to smoke in the $hitters and piss everywhere. They takes showers in their underwear and sometimes their socks, they leave upper deckers ALL the time, they use more toilet paper than necessary, they rat f@ck the MRE's before anyone gets a chance to grab them, and they will steal anything left alone. I'm lucky to work with mostly Marines maintaining their network. Most of the time it's chill. I'll baseline some switches, routers, W/E, get them all configured so it's plug and play for the Marines. I'll tell em what port to plug what in and call it a day. I'm used to working longer hours and much busier in uniform. Doing inventory on the same crap monthly, yearly classes and certifications, accountability, etc. I just work and email my info. Easy day, but it's a continual Ground Hogs Day.
Old Car:GTM TSC'd 550whp / 410lbft tq @ 11.88PSI
New Car: Under Construction
