Originally Posted by TheW3r3W0lf
I have terrible roads in my area and really looking to do this soon, how much quieter do you think the change was?
Don't expect to NOT hear pebbles bouncing up in your wheel well or anything. It seems to be most effective against general road noise vibrating through the tires. Stuff that bounces up underneath the car definitely sounds more muted, though. I only have two short drives with the install so far, so I will have a better idea after a few days. But right now, it is better than I imagined
There are before videos, so I'm going to try to do a comparison after video that mimics the before one as close as possible. The videos include an audio (stock, unfortunately) test while parked and a driving test accelerating to and cruising @ 70 mph. I just wish we had more video of varying road surfaces - the road we were on was pretty quiet so I'm not sure how much difference there will be. I used a simple decibel app on my iPhone, so we'll have to use the same method for comparison. I didn't get my hands on a nice SpL meter until this weekend after I was half way done with the install, but I will use it for a final result dB reading even if it doesn't have a before reading to compare.
Also, while I am impressed with the hatch sound now, I think that doing the doors will be even more noticeable since I sit a lot closer to them. I can't say for sure how the overall dB readings would change. I am definitely planning to do the doors, but I'll have to pick up some more GT Mat Onyx. The hatch took all 18 squares that I had.
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Stellar work Jar! 
Thank you, sir. That means a lot coming from a guy who's doing his own turbo install