Re: the fuel pump ground, I just ran a short wire for that to a ring terminal, and then put that ring terminal on one of the 4 nuts on the very outer cover of the driver's side tank access plate (the one these wires are coming out of the grommet on). The grey paint all over everything in that area isn't very conductive, but the nut threaded on that post conducts fine:
Also, a trick worth sharing that really saved me some time/pain during the "Hard Part" in the instructions (hooking up the 3 hoses on the passenger side...): use little strips of duct tape to attach strings to the 3 hoses, and tie a nut to the other end of the strings to give them some weight so they don't get lost or sucked in easily. Then you can drop the hoses in the back/side of the tank, put in the canister, and then pull them back up into range via the strings. Then you can cut/remove the helper as you're installing each one: