Originally Posted by Big worm
i got a free sample of this and wanted to deaden my exhaust drone. but a trusted friend and shop owner said something about how i shouldnt apply this onto my trunk's frame as it will get too hot and melt the adhesive into a sticky tar. he heated a small sample to show me. i dont know if it would be a big problem though. im not leasing the car or anything. anyone have some insight?
I don't have that problem at all, the hatch gets "hot" not hot enough to mess with GTMat, not even close, I tested it after driving hard and leaving it in the sun on a HOT day. No issues here!
(You also gotta think that they're in TX, which isn't exactly cold during the summer)
If you're still really concerned, you can go with their Onyx, it'll give you a bit more deadening because it's thicker, and it doesn't have any asphalt so no worry about the "smell"