Originally Posted by bfowlzr33
im not one to "have it looked at" i fix my own **** so dont get ripped off lol but no my tranny is stock. next time i change the gear oil ill go back to oem and see if that helps. i dont downshift to first often but when barely moving ill try to shift into first and its having some troble. havent tried to FORCE it to go, becuase ill prolly jack something up haha
I like the way you think

I'm certainly no expert, but I'll clarify my thoughts a bit:
If you're having the problem trying to shift into first while moving, then that's probably something you can avoid altogether by just not doing it. Second gear should be sufficient unless maybe going uphill very slow. If you're sitting at a stoplight and you can't put it in first gear, that sounds like your synchros, which is something I would address sooner rather than later. How many miles are on the car?