About 5 years back when I was young and stupid (actually still am
) I got caught street racing late at night after work in my little spec-v. Once I got on the hwy it was deserted minus one white suv a ways up yet. This trans am (pretty sure a ws6) kept tailing my *** through the on-ramp so I figured screw it and decided to give him some entertainment blowing away my little spec-v. Of course I knew I'd pull through the on-ramp corner which I did, but once we got on the hwy it was all him and he flew pass me in not too long. We both fly past the white SUV at about 100 mph and I cut it not long after. About 15 seconds later I look in my rear view and that white SUV is closing fast on me, then I see the red and blue lights from inside the car go off, at which time I'm yelling "YOU GOT TO BE F*CKING ME!" He ends up getting in front of both me and the WS6 and pulls us over. I couldn't believe I got handcuffed and arrested, it was only a little race but at the time I didn't realize how serious street racing was. Cop nailed me with "Drag racing", "Reckless Driving", "Speeding 45+". Long story short I ended having to pay big money for a lawyer and he was able to drop all the tickets and left me with a "Speeding 29+". I learned my lesson after this for the most part.