Originally Posted by ZKraken22
1. I know who Carl Ghosen is and no i dont know john krafcik. Yes I did think it was someone in nissan in the higher up's who was simply throwing us a bone at a interview. So what. I can speak about what the hell i wanna speak about who are you to tell me what i should and shouldnt speak about? I'm sure a lot of people on this forum dont know who John Krafcik is, get a life that's pathic to pick a fight with me because i dont know who John Krafcik is. That does not take away my knowledge of cars.
2. A Magazine/ website have mentioned the Gencoupe in the same breath as the Z as a possible contender when the Gencoupe was gettin the extra HP. thats obviously something you missed Mr know it all. And no im not gonna go find the page and sentence.
3. I hit new posts like i always do and this was on the top. so no i didnt specifically go to the "other vehicles section" so thats why.
This guy is seriously threatening me on the computer? wow no im sorry i will never feel it in the end. Dont act like a girl because i dont respect the Gencoupe. Then you wanna pull the troll card like im suppose to care. I'm on here givng my opinion like everyone else. Weirdo
1. If you're in the "Other Vehicle" forum what makes you think its Nissan news??????????????????????????????????????? Really???????????
You're knowledge of cars and you spewing out the word heritage don't go hand in hand. And all im saying is don't troll. You started off in a troll like way. Just letting you know trolling wont be tolerated. You can speak freely as long as it's not ignorant personal bias.
2. A reviewer may be comparing but hyundai's market research & sales department is who states who they compete against. Not the shmuck who wrote your favorite article
3. You didn't know you were in the "Other vehicles" section? Your fault, not mine. Next time know where you're going and answer accordingly.
YOU NOT RESPECTING the gencoupe is your issue. Here in my thread. WE RESPECT ALL SPORTS CARS at least in the way we publicly write about them. I don't need people from gencoupe forum coming in here to tell us how douchy and elitist we are. We just have reasons why we don't like them. All posts should be at least respectful.
You think it doesn't have enough heritage for you is enough for us to get the message. I don't want this to be a bashing thread. You don't like it? You can't come up with an educated response or reason why you don't like a vehicle? Keep it to yourself!! All im saying is. Bring your car knowledge. Not your ignorant insults with no point but elitism and bias.
Lastly, no one is threatening anything. We been able to avoid trolling here for a long time. I don't want the trend to restart. Your style of writing incites senseless troll posts.
P.S. Don't get your Kotex in a bunch...