Originally Posted by nismo 1234
 that sucks man....
at least it didnt go under the car and damage anything else!
what are you gonna do about the front now?
Yeah I agree. My friend is helping me fix it up, he just finished fiberglassing the hole and we're going to go sand it tomorrow and maybe paint the bottom part.. Not sure, haven't exactly decided yet but thankfully it looks like I can save this lip even though the shop said it's unfixable
Originally Posted by Gurps
Damn, I took your earlier advise and had them install paint and install my rear spats and side blades.
Any issues with those so far? Andrew seemed like a fair guy. He glued my rear spats as he said the 3m tape and screws would not be strong enough.
Sideblades are flimsy. Lol the rear spats he just taped for me and it was peeling off when I got there, I had to tell him to glue it before he did so he glued one side. It's been holding on fine so far, because the wind doesn't hit it the way it hits the front lip. I'll admit their paint matching is pretty good, just install and their service isn't horrible if anything comes up. Installation is pretty **** but for the sides and rear it should be okay... Sorry for referring you, I didn't know they would have been like this
Originally Posted by Ire
let this be a lesson. if you're unhappy how they do it, don't leave it. have it rectified asap.
that said, my Z is MB also and even looking at your pics hurts me lol
id be furious if my carbon lip broke off on the highway.
to be fair tho, a lot of lips are held on by little more than 3M tape usually so its not THAT wierd that yours is held together with just two screws plus a little tape. If i was to go that route i might have put on another two screws/mounting points (if you're ok with making more holes in your bumper of course)
oh man, im clutching my chest just looking at those scratches. hope you get it resolved asap bro
Definitely a lesson learned the hard way. Yes I know that's the way it's usually held on, but I was honestly shocked to see just one screw per side. I asked him to put at least one more screw on and he just said he couldn't. I would rather have more holes in my bumper than breaking a $550 lip
Fiberglass filled the hole, thankfully. Looking good so far... I hope it turns out okay