Originally Posted by happytheman
I'm aight. Pretty tired after working all day yesterday, then from 1-5 this morning and back again at noon today til 5.
Wanna hear something about the downtime that I went in for last night? After I updated my switches in the closet that supports the phone system....all phone functionality in the hospital was COMPLETELEY DOWN!! Yup, the old Avaya system didn't like the 10 minutes it took me to update and reboot the switches.
This is tres bad in a hospital environment as you can imagine. I had to wake people up and get them to drive in and fix the catastrophic situation.
I will admit this: My sh!t was working great! So...it was completely stress free for meeeee!! I asked well ahead of time what the impact was going to be and was given the all clear  to proceed with the updates!
So that was my night last evening! Poop happens.
wow, sounds like a tuff situation, mr. happy. glad to hear you muscled through it all. hope things smooth out.
i ate dinner tonight, spent like an hr in my music roomm, then fell asleep.

just woke up... now going back to sleep.
gnite all!