Originally Posted by AlexRaymond19
I don't mean the thread jack, but i saw this and had to post. I just went premium, and i don't expect my decal yet obviously, but my address may be wrong on pay pal. Anyway to check? I messaged AK but never got a response. Thanks :-)
Hi Alex,
No problem. I will be processing the Premium member AFTER 1/31/13 sign up date tonight. So you'll get a pm with all the information. Please reply to that pm with your pm
Originally Posted by Wonka2581
I never recieved mine my self...
Are you a PRE 1/31 or POST 1/31 premium sign up? If pre, I'm going to check my sent reports. If POST, expect a pm from me tonight with all info.
Originally Posted by Csprad12
I still haven't got mine either
Hey man,
I have sent your decals out I believe on February 2nd. I distintly remember because your envelope has your username written on the lower left hand corner. So I have no clue why you didn't get them. I'm going to send you "A NEW SET" tomorrow morning. I do have your address, but just to make sure there isn't any error or extra digits, resend me your address so that I can match it.
I truly apologize and I have NO control over USPS

(which we all know is in 17 billions dollars in debt and closing out post offices, reducing Saturday mail service etc. Da*n the economy!).