Originally Posted by Isamu
I didn't say all of your reps weren't worth it.. lol
you actually post a ton of good stuff, as does alcheng, but the fact remains, your 'rep' wouldn't be as high if not for the constant repping...
and so, basically by alchengs math, both Frost and Trips are really horrible members... I'll direct them to this thread   
I don't care what anyone thinks about my reps. I was just being my usual smartass self. Very rarely do I take things like this seriously.
If people on a forum enjoy repping friends, then have at it. I rep for the same reasons my Chinese-Canadian brother from another mother Mr.Alcheng stated.
- Out of respect
- For a helpful post
Notice tattle tails and whiners didn't make the list.
Ok, lets group hug this biatch out