goodam/pm, everyone!
been a busy am...
a damn prius nearly caused an accident turning into a store parking lot so frikken stupid slow that everyone behind had to brake hard in the snow.
im glad my tires gripped because i was near activating abs...and glad the bimmer that was tailing behind had enough room to swirve out of the way when i gave him some clearance by swirving to the outer most edge of my lane. i frikken hate taffyapples and toyota's especially when combined.
Originally Posted by LunaZ
Snowing here.
Everyone is in freak out mode.
hi luna.

yah, was snowing a little bit this am too. not too bad for us as we are a snowbelt state, but always dumbarses out there causing silly preventable accidents slowing everyone done.
Originally Posted by JARblue
the only similarity I could think of was a Z with lambo doors 
lol, mr. jar- i posted just for kicks.